More severe cases of COPD affect an estimated three to four million people in the U.S. Dr. Mehta estimates as many as one million may be candidates for some form of lung volume reduction through surgery or the new less-invasive coil procedure. 病情更严重的慢性阻塞性肺疾病在美国估计影响到了三、四百万人。梅塔医生预计,多达一百万人可能需要通过手术进行某种形式的肺减容或新型的低创伤线圈疗法。
A bias reduction procedure is presented to calculate the autocorrelation function in wall turbulence. 提出了用偏倚缩减法计算壁湍流信号自相关函数,提高了自相关函数的计算精度。
In order to raising the accuracy class, reduction procedure, give up interpolate calculation, it is presented a physical law control method to substitute position control way. 为了提高精度,简化控制,取消插补运算,提出用运动规律控制代替位置控制。
Treatment of obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome with radiofrequency volumetric tissue reduction collaborating upper-airway procedure 射频组织减容辅助上气道手术治疗阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征的研究
Cells used in the circuit have much similarity, which helps further reduction of chip areas in the layout procedure based on standard cells. 使用的标准单元类型具有较大程度的相似性,有利于基于标准单元布局布线软件进一步减少芯片面积。
The Reduction Procedure of Linear System State-Space Equations 线性系统状态方程的简化方法
The common characteristic of criminal summary procedure in a narrow sense is the exemption or substantial reduction of courtroom investigation procedure. 狭义上的刑事简易程序的共同特点是对刑事审判法庭调查程序的免除或大幅度减少;
Determination of thresholds of conditional sampling by bias reduction procedure 用偏倚缩减法确定条件采样的门限
A Study on reduction of medical treatment cost by changing purchase procedure 优化采购流程降低医疗成本
Conclusion: Open reduction with bone grafting is an effective surgical procedure to treat old lateral condyle fracture. 结论:对晚期陈旧性肱骨外髁骨折用开放复位骨移植是一个行之有效的方法。
Conclusion: More reasonable thresholds of conditional samples scheme for VITA and mu level may be determined by bias reduction procedure. 结论:用偏倚缩减法确定出条件采样MU-LEVEL法、VITA法的门限值较其它三种方法客观、准确。
Conclusions Standardized ultrasonographic views in the fetal screening in the second trimester pregnancy is an important procedure in the early identification of fetal abnormalities and reduction of missed diagnosis. This procedure plays an important role in the decrease of perinatal mortality and improvement of newborn population quality. 结论中孕期胎儿超声筛查切面的规范化是早期发现异常胎儿,减少漏诊的重要措施,对减少围产期死亡率,提高出生人口质量具有重要意义。
Conclusion: Applying rigid internal fixation technique is a good method to treat condylar fracture. Resorption plate with internal fixation based on anatomical reduction is an ideal procedure to treat severely displaced or dislocated condylar neck and subcondylar fracture for children. 结论:坚强内固定技术是治疗髁突骨折的较好方法,严重移位或脱位的儿童髁颈和髁颈下骨折应采用可吸收接骨板进行内固定。
Experimental Research on Carbon Reduction Procedure of Reduction Iron Powder Prepared by Ultra-pure Iron Concentrate Powder 超纯铁精矿粉制备还原铁粉碳还原过程试验研究
Methods: Autocorrelation was calculated by bias reduction procedure, using the experimental results of the delay time corresponding to the second peak of autocorrelation to determine the thresholds of conditional sampling scheme for VITA and Mu leve. 方法:用偏倚缩减法计算湍流信号自相关函数。根据自相关函数的第二峰值对应的延迟时间与湍流的平均猝发周期的实验结果确定MU-LEV-EL、VITA法的门限。
Noise-Reduction Procedure in Airport Operation 谈谈机场运行的减噪声程序
Comparing with other analyzing methods, not only it is simple and high efficient, but also can combine with order reduction techniques to accelerate the circuit simulation procedure. 该方法与其它等效电路方法及全波分析方法相比,简单、效率高,并可以和无源电路阶数缩减方法结合,进行大规模缩减,从而进一步提高计算速度。
Numerical Analysis of Backward Facing Step Laminar Flow by Direct Solver For the particularity of this approach, the calculation of correlative integral on fictitious domain is described in detail. The cyclic reduction procedure for linear system is deduced integrally. 基于本文讨论的虚拟区域方法的特殊性,对虚拟区域上的相关积分的数值求解过程进行了详细的描述,对所使用的大型稀疏矩阵的快速直接解法&循环消去法也进行了详细的推导。
Although it refers to a change of ideology and attitude, phenomenological prior reduction still has a procedure of operation, that is, elimination and reduction. 现象学的先验还原虽然是指一种思想态度的转变,但它同样具有操作上的步骤性,这就是排除和还原。
Reduction procedure study on W-Ni-Fe composite oxide powder W-Ni-Fe复合氧化物粉末的还原工艺
It is offered Euler differential equations depending on a parameter λ, and given the general solution formula express of them by method of variation replacement, method of variation position transformation, method of linearization, and method of reduction of order. It simplifies solution procedure. 提出含参数λ的二阶齐次Euler微分方程,并借助变量替换法、线性化法、降阶法、交换变量位置法给出几类含参数λ的二阶齐次Euler型微分方程的求解公式,简化其求解过程。
Detecting the Spatiotemporal Scale of Coherent Structures of Wall Turbulence by Bias Reduction Procedure 用偏倚缩减法检测壁湍流相干结构的时空尺度
A new chemical reduction procedure for preparation of chromium sulfate, using formaldehyde as a reductant to deoxidize chromic anhydride, was introduced. 以铬酐为原料,采用化学还原法,探讨了甲醛还原铬酐获取三价铬并制备硫酸铬的化学工艺条件。
The carbon reduction procedure of reduction iron powder prepared by ultra-pure iron concentrate powder in a laboratory was studied. 研究了实验室超纯铁精矿粉制备还原铁粉碳还原工艺过程。
We firstly introduce a generalized model of method invocation. According to our generalized model we proposed an algorithm of parallelism analysis. Our algorithm includes three steps, which are variable expression reduction, intra procedure analysis and inter procedure analysis to compute define use sets. 文中首先给出了一般化的方法调用模型,然后基于该模型给出了表达式化简、过程内和过程间分析的算法,该算法可以求出变量的定义和使用集合,用于并行性分析。
Optical images acquired by the Hubble Space Telescope ( HST) are carefully analyzed. The method and reduction procedure are described in detail. 我们的光学图像来自哈勃望远镜的观测并进行了细致的分析,图像分析方法和处理过程有着详细的描述。
Then, the promising area decision table is constructed and the promising area is obtained by the knowledge reduction procedure. 在此基础上构造希望区域决策表,继而求解其知识约简并构造希望区域。
In accordance with related international standards, the implementation of functional safety includes two procedures, the first one is the risk assessment procedure, and the other one is the risk reduction procedure. 根据相关国际标准,功能安全的具体实现包括风险评估和风险降低两个过程,其所涉及的核心技术主要包括风险评估方法和风险降低策略。